
After spending months slowly transforming muscle into fat, I had a horrible realization:

I can't write.

Maybe some of you will go on and say, 'Oh, she's just fishing for compliments,' Maybe I am. No, I'm not.

When I was in high school, writing fiction was almost effortless, like leaving people without reason. The beautiful words came easy and every essay or short story just fell into place, as if it the words were formed beforehand, then scattered by incident and somehow managed to string together, even better than before.

But look at me now: I have to use a thesaurus to write this very entry. Seemed a little pathetic for someone who originally aimed for the Nobel Prize in her future. Maybe it's because I used to read and write for me, my own pleasure. But now everything is a facade. I read books to catch other's attention. Everything I'm doing now is to catch other people's attention.

How did I become so...conventional (another word that I have to refer to my thesaurus to. I told you; pathetic)?